CIGARS: The GREAT Stress Reducer of All Time, by Tommy Zman

” Smoking has a sedative effect upon the nerves, and enables a man to bear the sorrows of his life (of which everyone has his share) not only decently, but dignifiedly.” - George Burrow

The world is a wacky and disturbing place at times, no doubt. I’m telling you, if I drive by a gas station and see the numbers on the sign go up just one more time I’m going to take out my old duct taped whiffle bat and start swinging for the fences. First of all I live in New Jersey and the property taxes are like ten times of most states in the nation, which leaves me with about $6 to buy groceries each week, (at least the family is losing some weight.) And I’m not going to even talk about the current political scene as it will brew up a shit-storm in here that none of us really need right now.

Okay, I’m pissed, you get it, and you are pissed too. Everyone is pissed. My priest is pissed, babies are pissed, even optimist clubs are angry muthas theses days. And do you think the world climate is going to get better anytime soon? Um… yeah, right.

Well, now that I’ve got you all frothed up and ready to kick some ass without even bothering to take numbers, let me get back to the subject that propels this here bloggie, and that would be cigars. I’ve been talking a lot lately how if every adult in the world smoked cigars the world would be a happier and most loving place, and I really do believe that. There is nothing I have ever seen that decreases stress than the act of cigar smoking. Well, there is actually one, but that conversation is gonna take this blog post way out into left field and we need to stay focused here, people.

We all know that smoking comes with inherent risks, we’re all big boys and girls and we fully understand that. But so does drinking alcohol, eating a steak, riding a roller coaster, (and marriage, while I’m at it.) I’m telling you, I have read doctors remarks who believe that the mental calming effects of smoking cigars in moderation far out weighs the possible physical dangers and I have come to believe that fully. There is NOTHING on earth like spending quality time with that after dinner smoke after a long, hard, stressful day. The ritual of having a good meal then heading out to my patio – cutting, lighting, and then taking that first draw of heavenly blue smoke – oh man, it is simply divine.

Hey, I might be preaching to the choir, but I like how the melody sounds! And trust when I say, we’re not the only one’s who feel this way. For the past couple hundred years, people have enjoyed their hand rolled premium sticks with tremendous zeal, and all one needs to do is Google the term “Cigar quotes” and you will not believe the amount of quotes written about our leafy love, and the passion that exudes from almost every one of them. A few of my faves…

“A good Cuban cigar closes the door to the vulgarities of the world.” - Franz Liszt, Composer

“After a truly good meal, an outstanding cigar is still the most satisfying after-dinner activity that doesn’t involve two human beings.” - Brad Shaw 

“Eating & sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man’s enjoyment of his cigar.” - Mark Twain

Okay, my work is done here for today. Go out into the world, smoke your cigars and make merry. Light ‘em up and enjoy all around you – just try not to look at the price of gas when you do so.

DON’T MISS – The NEW JR•Cigar Catalog is out and you can read my regular column on page 98: What Really Roasts My Robusto! This issue’s story is entitled: The Ultimate Answer to saving the World (and if you love cigars, you’re gonna love where I’m headed with this one!)

I urge you to PLEASE SUPPORT Cigar Rights of America as they continue to deal with congress, the senate, and all US legislators who need to be made aware that our cigars are the best friends we know of and we will fight like hell to keep them in our lives! >>


JR Cigars Blog with the Zman

CLICK HERE to Check out this week’s J•R CIGARS Weekly Special



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