YOUR Personal Struggles With the CIGAR HATERS, by Tommy Zman

angryMy blog from a few weeks ago has caused quite a stir amongst my cigar loving compadres! The 5 Step Process of the Anti-Smoking Zealot really struck a chord with our fans and friends here on the blog, and on FaceBook. I personally received numerous emails and private messages from those of you who have gotten abused by the rude n’ crude crazies who don’t care what they say to us about the cigars they hate.

For a quick and important overview recap, the 5-Step Process goes generally like this…

STEP 1. The Look – It’s the kind of look one does when perhaps your load-encrusted septic overflows into your living room.

STEP 2. The Deadpan Glare – The eyes squint, the brow furrows, and the scowl on that puss is twisted and vile.

STEP 3. The Cough – The BIG FAKE cough that bellows through the street as if the black plague has found its way into the 21st century.

STEP 4. The Wave – The hands begin to wave in front of their face with such ferocity that one would be convinced that the person was being attacked by a strain of killer bees

STEP 5. The Confrontation They will let you know with a brazen fervor that your cigar stinks and they do not like it.

Picture 13Now a heck of a lot of you expressed to me how you have been the recipient of this unacceptable behavior and felt the need to share with your Polish Brother of the Leaf (Does that make me a POLBOTL?) Knowing that I’m not alone was somewhat comforting, but the fact remains that we have to stick together and not allow the inconsiderate haters to bring us down. So I bring you a few rantings from those who have been in the line of fire, themselves…

Steve from California told me that he was getting his morning paper with an unlit Siglo in his mouth when an older woman walked by bellowing out the fake cough as if she had spent the last three days sitting inside an incinerator. He asked if the cigar was bothering her and she blurted out how disgusting it was. At that moment, while on his own property, mind you, he informed this rude inhuman that his stogie was indeed unlit, but now was a great time to fire up that premium aged goodness! He did – and she flipped. Awwww… poor gal.

Joey From Jersey says he has had the same experience as I in New York’s Little Italy and has almost been physically accosted by a couple of low-class maniacs. He always makes sure to smoke in the street and is mindful of others, but we all know that doesn’t matter when it comes to the ever-present Smoke Nazi regime.

Chet in Ft. Lauderdale actually had people complain about the floating herf he was having on his boat out in the open waters. A crazy man & woman in another boat a good two-hundred yards away started flailing their arms and screaming that the cigars were killing them. That’s right, on the open seas, two football field lengths away.

Scott in Cleveland says his neighbor 2 houses away bitches like a whiny little school girl when he lights up his stogies as he barbecues on the weekend. For some bizarre reason the billowing carcinogenic smoke from the charcoal doesn’t bother him, but the sweet aroma of his Macanudo Robust seems to be from the Devil, himself.

cra-logo-colorFinally Denny from San Diego, who loves to unwind after a hard day’s work on his porch with his favorite Alec Bradley Black Market, he says gets those evil glares, nasty looks, and under the breath mumbling comments from the same group of women who go for their nightly walk past his home… HIS home, HIS property… a good 50 feet from the road.

This kind of behavior is becoming the norm in our society and all I can say to my cigar smoking fans and friends is that it’s time to stick up for ourselves and the cigars we love and cherish. Don’t get bullied by the rude and the nasty. Defend your rights – all of our rights – and let the world know that you’re loud and proud. Also, support Cigar Rights of America as they fight each day for every one of us lovers of the leaf!

Check CRA out RIGHT Here @

And As Always, Stay Smoky My Friends,


JR Cigars Blog with the Zman

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