Acid “Blue” Kuba Kuba
In January of 2009, I reviewed this cigar. Back then, I had a pretty bad experience, and the review reflected that. I received a few emails urging me to try an Acid again. So now, in February of 2010, I decided it was time to re-visit the cigar that I gave a bad review to. I figured it was possible that I didn’t give it a fair chance.
The first half was decent, with strange floral, perfumey flavors. Like my other review, the second half basically fell flat. It just became a bland and borderline harsh smoke.
Like other quick smoke with Tom reviews, this was filmed with my MacBook isight webcam at The Habana Cigar Shop. I used an external mic this time, so the audio is a bit better then the others. The video quality is what it is. See what my thoughts were in this quick 9 minute video review.