TomsCigars Top Referrers For November 09
Tuesday, December 1st, 2009Another month has passed, and it is time to look at the site stats. Overall I was impressed with yet another monthly record. Over 14,000 of you clicked on this blog in November, as opposed to 12,000 in October.
Once again, my top referring site was good ol Barry from A Cigar Smokers Journal. His site sent 60 people my way last month. If you haven’t been to his site, go check it out for some honest cigar reviews.
In second place is my old friend Ed from St. Pete Pipe & Cigars. You know him for his many contributions in the cigar reviewing community. Ed sent over 20 people to my site in November.
Ed doesn’t run an online shop, but he has been known to ship cigars all over the country. If you are lucky like me, you just drive one mile and pay him a visit.
For the end of the year, I’ll post a yearly roundup of top referrers. In the mean time, stay tuned for my usual ramblings on various cigars. Naturally, Ed will stop by for a Quick Smoke with Ed & Tom, and we will try to squeeze in a full length review before the year end.