Archive for the ‘Site of the month’ Category

January 2011 Cigar Site of the Month–

Monday, January 31st, 2011

Rarely do I choose a new site as the Cigar Site of the Month. But there are always exceptions…

I’ve done a few reviews with Matt here and on The Stogie Review. I’ve told him for a couple of years that he should start a cigar review site. His take was that cigar blogs are a dime a dozen, and the world doesn’t need another one. I agree with him, I am one of those dozen.


Recently he launched It is a cigar site, but it offers something a little different. Matt dabbles in photography, and that is the focus of the site. He will be updating it once a week, on Wednesdays. Sure, it’s nothing groundbreaking, but it’s nice to see something new and a little different in the cigar site world. So go check out and keep an eye on it!

September 2010 Cigar Site Of The

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

You probably have noticed, I haven’t done a cigar site of the month in a while. To see who I’ve mentioned before, click here. I check those sites all the time. And let’s not forget the #1 site, Stogie Review. That goes without saying.

The purpose of these posts is to help spread the word and point you to sites you may never have heard of. Finding a cigar site to mention was easy at first. Then I started to have a hard time sifting through many places that were to be honest, not good. They either lacked consistent content, were run by people who were moochers, or just did not have anything of interest to me. I don’t want fluff or bullshit. Cigar review sites are a dime a dozen, and finding one that is good seems to get harder and harder. That’s not to say is anything special… I’m just sayin… I think The Chief summed it up the best HERE.

Casas-Fumando-logo-300x300Then I ran across I find their reviews to be very detailed and honest. I don’t know much about the site, other then I found the content to be a great read. There seems to be consistent updates, which is a pet peeve of mine. It’s not about how many posts you can do in a week. It’s more about doing what you can consistently. These guys deliver where it counts, so go check them out!

June 2010 Cigar Site Of The

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010 is a new site, and I usually wait awhile before I brag about new cigar blogs…


Why am I reluctant to brag about new cigar sites? This small rant will explain.

But this guy started out with a good approach. He is posting content on a regular basis that fits with his lifestyle. This means he didn’t start out with new content every day in order to get high ranks on Google. This would give readers a false expectation from the start. Only time will tell the future of this site, but I think it will be around awhile.

Go check out Mikes Stogies for good honest written reviews. He also is dabbling in video reviews, which I enjoy.

May 2010 Cigar Site of the Month –

Saturday, May 29th, 2010

Anyone who has been visiting this site knows my fondness of this month’s cigar site of the month. But first I have small rant to get out of the way…


I can’t take it anymore… All of these cigar blogs out there, and many of them turn in to crap. They come out of the gate swinging and dwindle to mediocrity. I understand life happens, so why not just end the site or let the readers know what’s up? I it see too often, a post every month or two as the site becomes smaller and smaller. Dying a slow pitiful death…

Before you haters start posting, let me say first… I’m not implying is some great model site. I’m not even implying the content here is good. If anything, the message you should get from this place is that virtually any cigar smoker can do this. Chances are quite a few readers will enjoy and learn from you, even if you have an average palate like me. But enough of my sniveling…

David, who runs The Cigar Nut, took a different approach. He found a pattern that was realistic to his lifestyle. Even if it is one or two posts a week, I can always count on consistent reviews. When life gets in the way, he let’s his readers know what happened.

So if consistent, honest reviews are important to you, go visit The Cigar Nut!

April 2010 – Cigar Site Of The Month

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

The World According To Stew started up in April of 2008. I’ve been visiting his site pretty much since the beginning. He started off with written cigar reviews peppered with political rants, sports, and a variety of other topics. 


It took awhile, but Stew eventually started doing video cigar reviews. They have an honest vibe with an angle only he can provide. When you go pay Stew a visit, you may ask yourself why he has slowed down on updating the site lately. I believe he is one of the few with a valid excuse, and it makes perfect sense if you are a new father like he is. So leave here and go visit A World According to Stew!

March 2010 – Cigar Site of the month

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

A couple years ago I stumbled onto what is my cigar site of March, 2010. Stogie Fresh was started in 2005 by Doc Stogie Fresh. His site is dedicated to provide us with information on storing and aging cigars to keep them in the best possible condition. There is a ton of content on this topic, as well as cigar reviews, various cigar related articles, and the Stogie Fresh 5 podcast. Stogie Fresh has a variety of contributors, but the backbone of the site is The Doc.

Some of you have emailed me with questions I couldn’t begin to answer. Doc has been the guy who has bailed me out on a few occasions. I even stole one of his videos (with his permission of course) an posted it here on


Chances are you have a question that has already been answered by The Doc. So do yourself a favor and dig in to the vast content over at Stogie Fresh.

Feb. 2010 – Cigar Site Of The Month

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

I ran across this months site of the month about a year ago. Initially Nice Tight Ash offered written reviews that were fairly short, honest, and to the point. They then expanded their content to include video cigar reviews. Like their written reviews, the video reviews are honest and to the point. These guys simply set up a camera in their smoking area (the garage) and press record. Nothing fancy, just the facts.


What keeps me coming back is the simple fact that these are regular guys offering their knowledge of cigars. During your travels to the many cigar review sites out there, make sure you pay a visit to Nice Tight Ash!

January 2010-Cigar Site Of The Month

Sunday, January 31st, 2010 is obviously all about cigars. My method is simple: I come across a cigar or cigar related item, and post it here. I scour the web and run across a lot of cigar blogs. There are new ones popping up all the time. Some of them will go away within a year, others will stick it out for the long haul. Since cigars can be such a subjective topic, each site offers something different.

This is why every month I’ll mention a cigar blog that caught my eye. There is a lot of content out there to be taken in.



The first installment features a site that I frequent, called Cigar Obsession. I’ve had a few smokes with Bryan, a local Floridian. His site features cigar art, daily deals, cigar reviews, and video content. What drew me to the site was his cigar review videos. They are short, honest, and to the point. They are filmed in his back yard, but still have a professional feel to them. Chances are, you already know about Cigar Obsession. If not, by all means, leave this place and check it out now!

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