Five Cigars to Enjoy for Hispanic Heritage Month
Thursday, October 10th, 2019cigars
Posted in Banner, Blog, Bolivar Cofradia, Bolivar Cofradia cigar review, Bolivar Cofradia cigars, cao cigar review, cao cigars, cao colombia cigar review, Cigars, doundation el gueguense, foundation cigar el gueguense cigar review, foundation cigars, h. upmann cigars, h.upmann hispaniola cigar, joy de nicaragua clasico, Joya de Nicaragua, joya de nicaragua cigars | No Comments »
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I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend with a fine cigar. (Alas, I was working a convention and didn’t not get that chance…sob.) After last week’s blog you should have been able to load up. And I hope you were able to pair your smoke with a fine beverage. But before I get to this week’s topic, there was some news.
Jose Blanco is back home in the Dominican Republic. Jose is known to most cigar lovers as a friendly, knowledgeable cigar maven. Many people know Jose from his long stint as head of sales for La Aurora where he helped the company bring out the popular Cien Anos, the La Aurora 1495 ( still one of my favorites especially in the corona size) and the La Aurora 107 among others. Jose also became widely known for his famous blending seminars he held at conventions, tobacco stores and for cigar groups across the U-S and around the world. A little over two years ago, Jose left La Aurora and the Dominican Republic to become Senior Vice President of Joya de Nicaragua. He worked with Alejandro Martinez Cuenca on the CyB ( which was a cigar initially bearing both their names, Cuenca and Blanco but due to legal reasons had to be shortened to the initials). His contract was for two years, and late last week it was announced that he was leaving Joya to return to the Dominican Republic. Jose, Emma and his son Jasper are now in La Romana, to be specific Casa de Campo, having left Managua. (So he is now living right next to the Dye Four golf course, with a pool and the ocean just a couple of minutes away…he says recently he has seen Michael Jordan and even Justin Bieber there at the resort. Guess I will HAVE to go visit and then beat him in a golf game.) He says he is doing a bit of consulting and taking it a little easier. (After all he is older than me.) Jose still is not certain of his plans as of now, but it is pretty certain that he will be returning to the industry he loves after a little down time.
Now with that bit of news out of the way, let’s go to this week’s topic. Cigar lovers and morons.
Business Insider is an Internet publication that I cannot quite get a grip on. Sometimes it has good stuff…others…well. Anyway last week, it published an article “8 Tips For Drinking Whiskey Without Looking Like A Newbie” (they must love capital letters there).
One of the tips is good. It is the first one which talks about moving from bourbon to scotch and which ones to try. Gotta say I agree with the recommendations of Oban14, The Balvenie Doublewood 12 or Laphroaig.
But then the whole thing kinda falls apart.
The Editor’s blog at the Washington Free Beacon goes after Business Insider’s tips and it is pretty funny. Starting with the Business Insider’s tip number two which assures newbies that they are not doing it wrong.
Whiskey snobs may say there’s a “right” way to drink the stuff, but just relax. Simoneau has seen every request, from a Laphroaig 10 year Manhattan (a cocktail usually prepared with rye) to Johnnie Walker Blue and ginger ale. Point being: You don’t always need to drink it neat.
Look, I’m going to be blunt here: Johnnie Walker Blue is the most overrated whiskey on the market. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine scotch. I enjoy it. It’s smooth! But it’s only a slight upgrade over Johnnie Walker Black in terms of taste and it’s four times more expensive. You might as well eat twenty dollar bills; the effect is the same and you’ll get some much-needed roughage.
However, for the love of god, if you’re going to pay for that slight upgrade in taste enjoy it and do not drown it in sugary sweet soda. If that’s how you’re drinking your Johnnie Walker Blue, you are doing it wrong. I can ASSURE you of this. ALL CAPS ASSURE.
Also: If you’re going to enjoy a whiskey and ginger ale, it shouldn’t be scotch. Jack and Ginger is fine! Antique Weller and Ginger? Great! But scotch is too smoky; it doesn’t go well with the ginger ale at all. Again: If you’re ordering a scotch and ginger, you’re doing it wrong.
Gotta say I agree…As for buying an app so you can pronounce the names of scotch. Don’t do it. The Editor and I agree again…just watch Brian Cox’s pronunciations that he did for Esquire on YouTube.
There are other bits about the whiskey in the Washington Free Beacon and it is all worth reading.
And to me there is nothing better than having a fine scotch and a cigar with friends. Face it; cigar smokers are a social group. We like to sit around and talk while we smoke. It is how we pass the time. And my guess is you have made many friends while smoking a cigar.
Well CNN recognized that, finally. The put together a short video on – get this –’’the secret world of cigar lovers”. Who knew this was a secret? Anyway it is less than 3 minutes. Enjoy.
Posted in cigar lifestyle, Cigars, Jose Blanco, Joya de Nicaragua, La Aurora, Scotch | No Comments »
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