Archive for the ‘jj’ Category

Smoke a JJ for JJ

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

I usually try to keep this site focused on cigars and minimize personal subject matter. There are always exceptions, and this is one of them.

1SeriesJJToday, July 22nd, is the 3rd annual “Smoke a JJ for JJ day.” Jerry from The Stogie Review would appreciate if you would take a moment and smoke a Don Pepin Garcia Series JJ in remembrance of his son. JJ was born on this day three years ago, and died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) only 3.5 months into his life.

My pal Barry at is also holding a fundraiser. Barry runs a great cigar review site and is going above and beyond. Go HERE to find out more.

It is that simple. Just sit back, relax, enjoy life and enjoy the smoke.

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