Archive for the ‘Le_Bijou’ Category

My Father Le Bijou 1922

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

Ed and I stopped by The Stogie Review once again for our monthly guest spot. As always, the review is posted here for archive purposes.


The My Father Le Bijou is blended by Don Pepin Garcia. I enjoy the Le Bijou more then the original My Father, which was blended by Don’s son, Jaime. While the flavors are simple and pretty straight forward, I think this is a great smoke.

With the additional capacity of the shop and addition of a lounge, there was a bit of activity taking place during the review. This sort of threw us off at times, which you will surely notice.

Since the straight forward flavor profile left us short for words at times, we sent a tweet out asking if anyone had anything to ask of Ed. Mike from chimed in, so Ed and I had some random banter about what we look for when buying cigars. Check out what we thought in this video cigar review.

Running time – 23 minutes.

MP3 Audio Only

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