Labor of Love

Labor Day is kind of a cool holiday. Actually, every day off is a damned good day, but I really love this one. I always thought, man, does it suck for anyone who has to actually work on Labor Day. Hey, now that I think of it, I’m writing this blog today! Well, at least it doesn’t suck because I love doing this stuff, as you might be able to tell.

Grilled-Chipotle-London-Broil-Recipe_slideshow_imageThis holiday kind of officially says that summer is over – the kids are back in school and our vacation days are basically done – but it’s kind of also the last hurrah, the final excuse to barbecue some charred flesh and guzzle your favorite swill. I picked up a big-azz three and a half pound London broil from Costco and slow-grilled that hunk of bovine till the juices were squirting me in the face when I poked it. Nothing better than the Weber for a little indirect carcass cooking! Dayum! And accompanied by some Belgian Chimay Ale, things just don’t get much tastier ‘round these parts. Oh yeah, a little roasted corn on the cob sure didn’t hurt, either. Stop it, Zman, you’re making yourself hungry again, ya Polish pig face!

boiseHey, one thing ya gotta dig as a sports junkie is that this weekend is the official start of college football and this past couple of days did not disappoint! Michigan had over 113,000 people show up for their opening day upset victory over UConn. And the Boise State vs Virginia Tech game is as good as it can get for an opening season match! Of course, there’s always a couple of bull-squat games to pad some of the big boys early schedules like Ohio State’s 45 – 7 pounding over Marshall and Nebraska’s ass kicking of Western Kentucky, 49 – 10.  Oh yeah, the Oregon Ducks quacked the living Shinola out of New Mexico by a score of 72 – zip. That is just plain evil.

JR+Ultimate+OscuroDid you think for a second that I’d get through this holiday happy-fest without talking about the ample amount of cigars that were devoured by yours truly? The Labor Day weekend is truly a time for smoking your brains out I did my part like the great American that I am. It’s one of those situations where you open up the humidor and have to make some serious life-impacting decisions. Will it be the Ashton VSG, the Camacho 10thAnniversary , the Bolivar Cofradia, an El Rey Del Mundo Olvidados, an Excalibur 1066, the H. Upmann Bankers Series, a JR Ultimate, a Siglo Limited Reserve, or the most elegant Montecristo White? How about if I just smoke all of them for an amazing weekend of tobacco toking goodness?! That’s MY personal fantasy league line-up, boys! Let’s just say it was a glorious holiday at the Z-mansion.

So, what did you guys do for celebration and enjoyment? Care to share with your brothers and sisters of the leafiness? I say go for it! Hey, I’ll light one up to that!

Have a kick-ash shortened week,

Tommy Z,

JR Cigars BLOG With the Zman

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