The Heartfelt Industries Contest Is Over – Part 2!

As if the contest sponsored by David from Heartfelt Industries wasn’t enough… I got an email from him today. Turns out sending a humidifier to our winner Tony isn’t enough. Check out the email below:


From: David

Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 1:14 PM
To: Tom
Subject: Contest

You had a good turnout for the contest so I had an idea. For the folks that entered but did not win, they can use the coupon code “TomsCigars” (without the quotation marks) and get 10% off of their order. I know it is a small consolation prize but maybe it will help some folks.


Starting May 7th, the coupon code will be good for the next 20 days. That’s a deal you can’t pass up. Hell, I may even try to use it!

If this doesn’t say something about the type of people we are dealing with over at Heartfelt, I don’t know what will.

Thanks again David!

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